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Butterfly populations are a very good indicator of the health of an area's ecosystem !!

   Sara Longwings are found primarily on the

edges of rainforests.

   They are strongly attracted to orange flowers like Psiguria (Psiguria umbrosa) and Firebush (Hamelia patens).

   They are also very active during the day and have a strong communal roosting habit.

   Because Doris Longwings, like most longwings, are able to use saliva to liquefy plant pollen that they can then ingest through their proboscis, they receive much more protein than most butterflies, allowing them to live and breed much longer.

   Since they live approximately 3 times as long as most butterflies, they will, towards the ends of their lives, tend to be much more tattered than those butterflies who can't intake pollen, because they have 3 times the living of most butterflies.


     *There are about 71 Longwing species worldwide.

Sara Longwings New.png
Avg. Wingspan: 55 - 60 mm / 2.16 - 2.36"
* Being Brush-footed butterflies, Sara's Longwings have a short pair of fore legs that are used to taste food, and two pairs of longer rear legs that are used for propulsion.
Sara Longwing  Heliconius sara.jfif
The single biggest threat to butterfly survival is habitat destruction!!
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