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Butterfly populations are a very good indicator of the health of an area's ecosystem !!
   The Mexican Silverspot thrives in various habitats within the state of Michoacán, including forests, meadows, and coastal areas.
   Its range extends into other parts of Mexico and even reaches down into Central and South America.
   Their prefered terrain is edges and openings in evergreen mid elevation tropical forest.

   They range from Brazil north through Central America and Mexico They frequently stray as far north as southern New Mexico and Texas.

   Mexican Silverspots are active and agile fliers, often seen nectaring on various flowers.

   Their bright colors serve as a warning to predators, signaling that they might be distasteful.

   They are handsome butterflies found throughout south and central America, as far north as Mexico and the southwestern U.S., and their larvae feed on various types of passion vines.

   These butterflies have orange and brown dorsal side, and they have a silvery white coloration with black spots on the ventral side of their wings.

   They prefer dry areas with abundant wildflowers, so you might see them near tropical forests.

Mexican Silverspot.png
Diet: caterpillars feed on various types of passion vines.
Diet: adults feed on flower nectar.
Wingspan: (6.4 - 7.6 cm / 2.5 to 3 " .

Family: Nymphalidae

Mexican Silverspot caterpillar
Mexican Silverspot caterpillar
Mexican silverspot chrysalis
The single biggest threat to butterfly survival is habitat destruction!!
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