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Also known as the Eyed Pansy butterfly or the Blue Argus butterfly.
These butterflies are found ranging from S.E. Asia, to India, and sub-continental regions, to Africa, and into Australia.
When they are on the ground, the Dark Blue Pansy looks like a common pansy flower.
They are a species of bright blue butterflies that have 26 local subspecies throughout their range. They love sunlight and are frequently seen sitting on bare ground, basking in the sun's rays.
When their wings are open, males show a pair of black forewings with the borders being in white and brown, with thin black and parallel lines meeting at the end of the wings.
There is also an orangish yellow eyespot.
The hind wings are mostly a bright blue with white borders, accented by thin, black uneven lines, and a pair of orange eye marks on each side.
The females blue marks are replaced by brown ones, with only a small patch of dusky blue at the bottom of the hind wings.
When the wings are closed, and the ventral wings are showing, both the sexes show a grayish brown hue with several orangish brown markings.
The dorsal side also has faded eye spots in the same position.
Blue Pansies often gather in all male groups, where the males can be seen hovering in the sunlight in large numbers.
Their flight pattern is a rigid flap and glide style.
Sexual Dimorphism, where both sexes exhibit different colorations and markings, is present in Pansy butterflies.

Adult diet: Flower nectar
Avg. wingspan: 4 - 5 cm / 1.5 - 2"
Family: Nymphalidae

The single biggest threat to butterfly survival is habitat destruction!!

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