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Species identification by color
Butterfly Identification By Name
Species identification by region
Butterfly Species Galleries
Copper, Sooty
Indigenous / US
Baltimore Checkerspot
Archduke, Dark
Archduke, Common
Albatross, Striped
Admirals, Red
Admirals, White
Amberwings, Spotted
Admirals, Yellow
Admirals, Eurasian White
Admirals, Southern White
Albatross, Chocolate
Admiral, Lorquin's
Argus, Scotch
Argus, Brown
Blue, Adonis
Black, Greenish-tip
Birdwings, Cairns
Birdwings, Common
Birdwings, Golden
Birdwings, Green
Azure, Spring
Amberwing, Themisto
Birdwing, Richmond
Albatross, Eastern Striped
Apollo, Clouded
Bamboo Treebrown
Baron, Common
Baron, Gaudy
Blue, Common
Blue, Holly
Blue, Lang's Short Tailed
Blue, Silver Studded
Blue, Small
Blue, Baton
Blue, Chalk Hill
Blue, Green-underside
Brown, Meadow
Brown, Common Evening
Blue, Babul
Atala Butterfly
Brown, Wall
Buckeye, Mangrove
Commodore, Garden
Commodore, Gaudy
Copper, Purple-edged
Cattlehearts, Trans-andean
Cloudywings, Northern
Copper, Small
Coster, Mdgscr. Clearwing
Costers, Tawny
Castor, Angled
Common Palmfly
Copper, Large
Cracker, Gray
Crimson Rose
Cracker, Red
Commodore, Fashion
Cupid, Small
Crow, Striped Blue
Duke Of Burgundy
Dotted Checkerspot
Diadem, Common
Dark Wanderer
Eggflies, Great
Emperor, Agathina
Duke, Red-spot
Cracker, Variable
Cruiser, Malay
Dragontail, Green
Common Gull
Club Beak
Emperor, Flame Bordered
Crimson Patch
Leopard, Common
Festoon, Southern
Grayling, Apine
Fritillary, Queen Of Spain
Emperor, Lesser Purple
Pansy, Yellow
Pierrot, Red
Pierrot, Common
Fritillary, Gulf
Pansy, Peacock
Fritillary, Polaris
Hairstreak, Red Banded
Emperor, Hackberry
Emperor, Pearl
Emperor, Purple
Hairstreak, Brown
Skipper, Dingy
Skipper, Large
Skipper, Two Band Ckr.
Fritillary, Marsh
Fritillary, Silver-Washed
Hairstreak, White Letter
Hairstreak, Green
Heath, Small
Mourning Cloak
Pygas Eighty - Eight
Red Rims
Lacewing, Malay
Leafwing, Isadora
Ringlets, Common
Question Marks
Fritillary, Dark Green
Fritillary, Glanville
Harmonia Tiger Wings
Lacewings, Leopard
Leafs, Indian Oak
Leafwings, Silver Studded
Leafwings, Pointed
Longwings, Doris
Longwings, Isabella's
Longwings, Ismenius
Longwings, Sara
Longwings, Tiger
Mormons, Scarlet
Mormons, Yellow
Morpho, Amanthonte
Morpho, Blue
Morpho, Sickle - winged
Satyrs, Little Wood
Shoemakers, Grecian
Sailor, Common
Shoemaker, Orange Banded
Sister, Thessalia
Spotted Joker
Skippers, Small
Skippers, Sachem
Sulphurs, Pink-edged
Swallowtail, Afr. Blue Banded
Orange Tips,
Owls, Great
Orange Tips, UK
Pages, Rusty Tipped
Painted Ladies
Pansy, Chocolate
Pansy, Dark Blue
Pansy, Lemon
Peacock, Brown
Fritillaries, Great Spangled
Fritillary, Variegated
Morphos, White
Postman, Red
Ringlets (Eu.)
Peacock, White
Skippers, Long Tailed
Hairstreak, Crowned
Hairstreak, Fine-line Striped
Hairstreak, Black
Sulphur, White Angled
Skipper, Hobomok
Map Butterfly
Mormon, Great
Fritillary, Heath
Fritillary, Spotted
Heath, Pearly
Fritillary, Weaver's
Fritillary, Provencal
Skipper, Silver-spotted
Jezebel, Painted
Hind, Kaiser - i
Skipper, Guava
Silverspot, Mexican
Heath, Scarce
Skipper, Grizzled
Purple Mort Bleu
Silverline, Long-banded
Pansy, Gray
Forester, Gold Banded
Sulphur, Orange-barred
Satyr, Great
Longwing, Sapho
Jezebel, Common
Prepona, One-spotted
Emperor, Indian Purple
Sephisa princeps
Redspot Sawtooth
Pansy, Blue
Mormon, Common
Mime, Common
Lacewing, Orange
Heath, Chestnut
Mormon, Blue
Fluffy Tit
Hobart's Red Glider
Jezebel, Redbreast
Mapwing, Common
Golden Piper
Nawab, Common
Heath, Russian
Swallowtails, Batwing
Swallowtail, Citrus
Fritillary, Indian
Rajah, Tawny
Jezebel, Hill
Rajah, Black
Malay Viscount
Morpho, Achilles
Metalmark, Blue
Monkey Puzzle
Nawab, Indian Yellow
Nawab, Shan
Swallowtail, Alpine Black
Butterfly Learning Center
Birdwing, Goliath
Birdwing, Rajah Brooke
Crescentspot, Texan
Festoon, Eastern
Nawab, Blue
Nawab, Pallid
Nawab, Jeweled
Swordtail, Spot
Swordtail, Five - bar
Swallowtail, Dainty
Swallowtail, Com. Bluebottle
Swallowtail, Ulysses
Swallowtails, Emerald
Swallowtail, Machoan
Swallowtails, Eastern Tiger
Swallowtail, Giant
Swallowtail, Malobar Banded Peacock
Swallowtail, Lime
Swallowtails, Thoas
Swallowtail, Ilus
Swallowtails, Mocker
Swallowtail, Ornythion
Swallowtails, Spicebush
Swallowtail, Eastern Black
Swallowtail, Scarce
Swallowtails, Xuthus
Tigerwing, Confused
Tailed Jay
Table Mountain Beauty
Swallowtail, Gold Rim
Swallowtail, Emperor
Swallowtail, Pipevine
White Dragontail
Tiger, African Blue
Tortoiseshells, Milbert's
Tree Nymphs
Tortoiseshells, Small
Waves, Blue
White, African Wood
White, Bath
White, Green-veined
White, Large
White, Marbled
White, Small
Wood, Speckled
White, Caper
White, Florida
White, Black-veined
Tiger, Blue
Tiger, Plain
Tiger, Orange
Western Blue Beauty
Twin Dotted Border
White, Pioneer
Yellows, Clouded
Two-tailed Pasha
Windmill, Great
Western Blue Charaxes
Yellow, Common Grass
Zebra Mosiac
Yellows, Clouded Eastern Pale
Yellow Orange Tips
Swordtail, Large Striped
Swordtail, Black
Swallowtail, Zebra
Swordtail, Chain
Swallowtail, Palamedes
Swordtail, Spectacle
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